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Man's quest to discover life and new galaxies in the outer space had been going on for ages now. We For long, scientists have been using advanced technologies to search for life and planets in our very own Akashganga, also known as Milky way. But now, the talk of the town is seven galaxies that Japanese scientists have discovered in the outer space.
The fact was revealed in the recent Astrophysical Journal, which cites that space scientists have found seven new galaxies (seemed to be appearing from nowhere), 700 million years after the Big Bang. The researchers believe that this would help them unleash deeper mysteries of the universe and its galaxies.
Wondering, who discovered it? Well, the galaxies have been discovered by a team of astronomers in Japan, led by graduate student Akira Konno and Dr Masami Ouchi, using the Subaru Telescope. The team was searching for low mass galaxies, also known as Lyman-alpha Emitters (LAEs), in the space.
Akira Konno cites, "At first we were very disappointed at this small number, but we realized that this indicates LAEs appeared suddenly about 13 billion years ago. This is an exciting discovery. We can see that the luminosities suddenly brightened during the 700 to 800 million years after the Big Bang. What would cause this?"
In order to investigate the phenomenon of cosmic reionisation, he and his team searched for early LAE galaxies at a distance of 13.1 billion light years.
Notably, galaxy clusters are the most massive objects in the universe that consist of hundreds to thousands of galaxies, pulled together by gravity.
Nearly 13.8 billion years ago, the universe was born in an event called the Big Bang. During the same period, first stars and galaxies were formed. Later, the ultraviolet light of these objects were ionised, which is also known as process called 'cosmic reionisation'.
Source : Gizmodo
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