Image of Titan taken by NASA's Cassini Space Orbiter (Click Image to Download)
In honor of the Huygens probe's historic 2005 landing on the surface of Titan (Saturn's largest satellite, and the only moon in our solar system with a dense atmosphere), NASA has released a movie that recreates, with data collected by Huygens and the Cassini orbiter, a dramatic approach of the moon's surface from deep space.

The descent on 15 January 2005 lasted a total of two hours, with Huygens landing on a frigid floodplain surrounded by icy cobblestones.
It is the only landing that has ever been performed in the outer solar system to date, and one of only a handful of bodies - the others being Venus, Mars, the moon, two asteroids and most recently a comet - that manmade probes have ever landed on.
On the surface the probe continued to send back data for more than an hour, until its batteries were drained.
Since that historic moment, scientists have pored over volumes of data about Titan sent back to Earth.
Here is the Video ,
Source : Dailymail , io9
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